Monday, July 9, 2012

Welcome to our GRAND DEBUT!

Happy Monday y'all and welcome to Ticket Booth No.92's GRAND BLOG DEBUT!  We are so excited to have an outlet where we can stay in touch with our customers, friends, and fellow crafters! 

We hope to cultivate a place for creativity whether it is through wedding inspiration, DIY projects, recipes, interior decorating, photography, or even a behind the scenes look/sneak previews of our items from Ticket Booth No. 92! 

If you have been to our Etsy shop, you are familiar with the type of wedding products we create and our dedication to customer service.  However, you might not know too much about the two lovely ladies behind those rustic, wedding goods! We wanted to introduce ourselves with a picture and a short bio….

Patsy Fuller
| The resident CMG (creative mind & genius)|

Bio:  "I'm a wanna-be Archaeologist…a self proclaimed Weddingologist…and a girl who pretty much flies by the seat of her pants.  I almost always tackle projects with the images of how it should look, tangled in my mind's eye…much to the despair of my husband.  I never plan anything out on paper.  Sorry, that's how I roll. :-)"

Heather Fuller
| Photographer & Social Media Extraordinaire |

Bio: "It would appear that my mom has a degree in the 'wordsmith' department…but I have a  real 'hang it on the wall' degree in set design.  My dream is to incorporate my design knowledge into some stunning & ridiculously epic weddings one day.  I am also a photography hound…or as my mom says, a 'photo-ologist'…(she thinks you can add '-ologist' to the end of most nouns and it makes your sound like a big deal…I think she may be on to something!)    (c: " 

We welcome you all to the Ticket Booth No. 92 family and hope you stay tuned in today (and many other days!) for our Wedding post and our GIVEAWAY!

Patsy & Heather

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